Call for Workshops

We invite proposals for Workshops at the 40th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI 2025). UAI 2025 will take place in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from July 21st to July 25th, 2025. Following the main conference, workshops will be held in person on July 25th, 2025. We seek proposals for half-day or full-day workshops.

The workshops aim to provide an informal forum for research topics relevant to the UAI community, with emphasis on the discussion of open problems and challenges. Workshop organizers will be in charge of arranging the workshops’ participation, content, and moderation.

A significant portion of the workshops should be dedicated to contributed content. Workshop organizers can decide whether contributions will consist of full papers or (extended) abstracts. We encourage workshop organizers to consider diverse viewpoints when creating the lists of invited speakers and panelists. In particular, we welcome a balance of applied and theoretical researchers as well as a balance of early career and senior researchers.

We welcome workshop proposals on all topics relevant to the UAI community and particularly encourage submissions on causal inference, Bayesian statistics, optimization and game theory, model transparency and interpretability, disparity and equity research, algorithmic fairness, and generative AI.

Proposals will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

  • Relevance to the UAI audience
  • Potential impact
  • Quality and clarity of the proposal
  • Organizers' relevant expertise

The workshops should comply with the following requirements:

  • Call for papers/abstracts: No later than April 4, 2025
  • Paper/abstract submission deadline: No later than May 30, 2025 (and preferably after NeurIPS deadline)
  • Paper/abstract notification: No later than June 18, 2025 (mandatory)

Submission instructions for workshop proposals:

  • Submission deadline: February 28, 2025
  • Notification: March 21, 2025
  • Proposals should be in single-column A4 or letter .pdf format, with font size 11 or greater, and no longer than two pages (excluding organizers’ details and bibliographic references). Proposals should be sent to

Proposals should contain:

  • Workshop title
  • A description of the topics and an explanation of why the workshop is of interest to the UAI audience
  • A short description of the planned activities (talks, posters, panels)
  • An indicative list of invited speakers and panelists, specifying who is confirmed and who is unconfirmed
  • A brief description of the history of the workshop, if it previously took place, and if similar past workshops were held at other major AI/ML conferences in the last two years
  • List of organizers with email addresses and webpage URL (or a short bio for organizers who do not have a webpage).

On behalf of

Denis D. Mauá and Silbylle Hess

UAI Workshop Chairs

For any questions, please contact the workshop chairs listed below

Denis D. Mauá, University of São Paulo, BR

Sibylle Hess, TU Eindhoven, NL

Last updated: January 27, 2025 08:47 (UTC)

Sponsors: TBA