UAI 2020 - Camera-ready Instructions

The camera-ready deadline is:

June 19th, 23:59 CET, 2020

Please observe the update (June 11th) to the style files

When preparing revisions, please take reviewer comments into account, such as correcting typos, improving the clarity of the paper, adding relevant references, and so forth. If you can get a third party to take a pass over the paper, that can always help find missed typos and ways to phrase things better.

When you are ready, please follow these simple steps to submit your camera-ready paper:

Preparing documents

  1. Make sure your paper follows the UAI formatting guidelines.
    In particular, PLEASE pay attention to the following:
    • Include author names and other identifying information that were excluded from your original submission.
    • Use ALL CAPS for section headings (e.g., "INTRODUCTION")
    • Use Times Roman as the font. In LaTeX, \usepackage{times} (as specified in the sample .tex)
    • Double-check the paper size and margin widths. Make sure paragraphs and figures fit within margins.
    • Check the references for typos and capitalization errors (e.g., "bayesian" should be "Bayesian"). This may require putting braces around characters that should be capitalized, e.g, “{B}ayesian” or “{MCMC}”. Please also try to clean up and canonicalize the conference and journal names.
    • For Arxiv references, check to see if the pre-print has since appeared in a peer reviewed venue; if so, use that for the reference rather than the Arxiv link.
    • In LaTeX, do NOT use \mathbbm{} (if you do, your paper will fail the formatting checker)
  2. Make sure your submission conforms to the latest UAI style file provided here. Since first submission, this was updated to (i) add a notice box with the conference year and volume number and (ii) remove a bug with the author \thanks{...} command which caused the asterisk (*) to overlap with the note itself on the title page. The proceedings notice box is placed in the paper margin and should not reduce the space available for content.
  3. For the camera-ready version, we are only accepting files compiled with LaTeX 2e (if you used LaTeX 2.09 or a Word document please convert it to LaTeX 2e, for more information see the sample LaTeX 2e file here. The updated style file will ensure that all papers satisfy the UAI paper format. (Note that margin and page length violations are still potential issues).
  4. In the camera-ready submission, the main paper (with references) will be submitted separately from the supplementary material (as described below). Make sure the length of the main paper without references does not exceed 9 pages. Note that acknowledgements (to lab members, funding organization, etc.) should be included in the first 9 pages. Up to 1 additional page containing only references is allowed in the main paper. The supplementary material may be any length and will be submitted as a separate document. There will also be an option to submit a link to code or data in the form of a URL.
  5. Check your main paper (PDF with 9 pages of text and up to 1 additional pages containing ONLY References) by uploading it to the UAI paper checker here. This process checks your paper for basic formatting errors such as the wrong paper size or number of pages (If you are getting a Type 3 font error it is likely an issue with the fonts used in one of your plots. One common reason for this is that frequently plots made with the Python library matplotlib have such fonts. Please re-export your figures to ensure they do not have any Type 3 fonts). If you have any other errors please consult the formatting guidelines here. Address all errors before proceeding. Please do not wait until the last day, since fixing formatting errors may take some time.
  6. Fill out the copyright release form. One author may sign on behalf of all co-authors if the appropriate box is ticked. You may sign it electronically using Acrobat or print, sign, and scan it into a PDF file.
  7. (Optional) Prepare any supplementary material, which may contain, e.g., proofs to theorems, code and additional experimental results as a single PDF document and/or a URL to a website hosted by the authors or a third party. We encourage authors to include the main paper into the supplement PDF too. This way, readers will have access to the main paper plus supplement by clicking on the single link saying "Supplementary PDF". This is not compulsory, however. We will post the supplement PDF and/or supplement URL to this material on the UAI 2020 and matching PMLR websites along with your camera-ready paper. See here for an example of archived versions of the main paper and supplementary PDF. The supplement URL will appear as a link with the caption "Code" to material hosted by the authors. Both supplementary items are optional.
  8. Please include the ID of your paper in the filenames of your submission, e.g., for a paper with ID 1234, "1234_main_paper.pdf" or "1234_copyright.pdf".


  1. Login to the UAI CMT page and navigate to the submission in question
  2. You must submit at least 2 documents, and at most 3:
    • The camera-ready version of the main paper (Required)
    • The filled out copyright release form (Required)
    • Supplementary material PDF (Optional)
  3. In addition, you will be asked to provide
    • The code returned by the paper checker (Required)
    • A URL to code or additional supplementary material (Optional)

Note that we will periodically check for formatting errors in camera-ready PDFs and send email reminders until these errors are corrected.
And then you're done! Be sure to submit by June 19th, 23:59 CET. Late submissions may not be accepted.

Congratulations again on your paper being accepted at UAI!

Fredrik Johansson
UAI 2020 Publication Chair
