UAI 2019 - Camera-ready Instructions

The camera-ready deadline is:

June 30th, 11:59 pm SST (Samoa Standard Time)

When preparing revisions, please take reviewer comments into account, such as correcting typos, improving the clarity of the paper, adding relevant references, and so forth. If you can get a third party to take a pass over the paper, that can always help find missed typos and ways to phrase things better.

When you are ready, please follow these simple steps to submit your camera-ready paper:
  1. Make sure your paper follows the UAI formatting guidelines.
    In particular, PLEASE pay attention to the following:
    • Include author names and other identifying information that were excluded from your original submission.
    • Use ALL CAPS for section headings (e.g., "INTRODUCTION")
    • Use Times Roman as the font. In LaTeX, \usepackage{times}
    • Double-check the paper size and margin widths
    • Check the references for typos and capitalization errors (e.g., "bayesian" should be "Bayesian"). This may require putting braces around characters that should be capitalized, e.g, “{B}ayesian” or “{MCMC}”. Please also try to clean up and canonicalize the conference and journal names.
    • For Arxiv references, check to see if the pre-print has since appeared in a peer reviewed venue; if so, use that for the reference rather than the Arxiv link.
    • In LaTeX, do NOT use \mathbbm{} (if you do, your paper will fail the formatting checker)
  2. Please download the updated UAI style file here and recompile your papers with it. For the camera-ready version we are only accepting files compiled with LaTeX 2e (if you used LaTeX 2.09 or a Word document please convert it to LaTeX 2e, for more information see the sample LaTeX 2e file here. The updated style file will ensure that all papers satisfy the UAI paper format.
  3. Different from the review version, in the camera-ready submission the main paper (with references) will be submitted separately to the supplementary material (as described in steps #4 and #5 below). Make sure the length of the main paper without references does not exceed 9 pages. Note that acknowledgements (to lab members, funding organization, etc.) should be included in the first 9 pages and are not allowed on or after page 10. Up to 2 additional pages containing only references are allowed in the main paper. The supplementary material may be any length and you will only provide a link to this material (see step #5 below).
  4. Upload your main paper (PDF with 9 pages of text and up to 2 additional pages containing ONLY References) to the UAI paper checker here. This checks your paper for basic formatting errors such as the wrong paper size or number of pages (If you are getting a Type 3 font error it is likely an issue with the fonts used in one of your plots. One common reason for this is that frequently plots made with the Python library matplotlib have such fonts. Please re-export your figures to ensure they do not have any Type 3 fonts. If you have any other errors please consult the formatting guidelines here. Address all errors before proceeding. Please do not wait until the last day, since fixing formatting errors may take some time.
  5. Having finalized the camera-ready main paper PDF (without supplementary material) and supplementary material available on personal web link (or websites such as GitHub) which can additionally and optionally contain proofs to theorems, code and additional experimental results. We will post "supplement PDF" and "GitHub link" to your code and experimental results on the UAI 2019 website along with your camera-ready paper. Both items are optional and non-archival (namely they won't be published in the proceedings book) and you may choose to include one or both or neither. Please log into OpenReview and upload your main paper PDF and provide your supplementary material as follows:
    • Open the UAI venue page
    • Click on “Author Console” and then click on “Your Submissions” tab. You can navigate to your paper from here.
    • Click on the Revision button. Edit the revision details and upload the main paper pdf file.
    • For supplementary material and code, you can use one of the following four options:
      • Option 1. If you want us to include both the "supplement PDF" and "GitHub link," please provide the GitHub link in the "html" section when you upload your camera-ready paper on OpenReview. On GitHub, please include a PDF file in the root directory called "paperid"_supplement.pdf. For example, if the paper id is 888, then the file will be 888_supplement.pdf. We will download the "supplement PDF" from GitHub and post it on the UAI 2019 website. We will also post the GitHub link.
      • Option 2. If you want us to include only the "supplement PDF" (and NOT the "GitHub link"), please provide a link to the PDF in the "html" section when you upload your camera-ready paper on OpenReview. The link could either be "" or your personal website. We will download the "supplement PDF" from "arxiv" (or the provided link) and post it on the UAI 2019 website.
      • Option 3. If you want us to include the "GitHub link" (and NOT the "supplement PDF"), please provide the GitHub in the "html" section when you upload your camera-ready paper on OpenReview. We will post the Github link on the UAI 2019 website.
      • Option 4. Leave the "html section" blank when you upload your camera-ready paper on OpenReview. For such papers, we will not post the "supplement PDF" and the "GitHub link."
    • Press Submit.
    Note that we will periodically check for formatting errors in camera-ready PDFs and send email reminders until these errors are corrected.
  6. Fill out the copyright release form. One author may sign on behalf of all co-authors if the appropriate box is ticked. You may sign it electronically using Acrobat or print, sign, and scan it into a PDF file. Upload the form in the designated field in OpenReview, which should now be visible.

And then you're done! Be sure to submit by June 30th, 11:59 pm SST. Late submissions may not be accepted.

Congratulations again on your paper being accepted at UAI! We are looking forward to seeing you in Tel Aviv for a great conference.

Ryan Adams and Vibhav Gogate
UAI 2019 Program Co-chairs

Golden Sponsor

Silver Sponsor